Female Related problems
Menstrual Disturbance: Disturbance in menstrual cycle is common now days. Problems may vary from missing periods for days to months (amenorrhea), painful menses (dysmenorrhea), irregular cycles with weight gain and facial hair growths (PCOD), excessive or prolonged bleedings (fibroids, tumours), leucorrhoea (watery discharge from vagina) . In all these PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) and uterine fibroids are commonest and major cause of infertility. We need to rule out these diseases and cure them in time to avoid any further complication.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or PCOD ( polycystic ovarian disease):Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)is very common these days and leading causes of infertility. Polycystic ovarian disease problem generally seen in teen age girls with problems in cycles, but can also be seen in adults. Stress, lack of exercise and irregular and unhealthy diet are main contributory factors to cause polycystic ovarian disease. cyst In Polycystic ovarian disease ovaries becomes cystic with disrupted cycle of menses, size of ovary increases causes more secretion of androgen and estrogenic hormones which results in weight gain, facial hairs growth. Patients with cystic ovarian disease can have only one single large cyst or can have multiple small cysts in one or both ovaries. Symptoms of Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) includes excessive weight gain, facial hairs growth, irregular menstrual cycles some time absence of cycles and patients have to take medicine (hormonal tablet) to induce menses.
Uterine Fibroids: Fibroids are tumours formed due abnormal growth of muscular layers of the uterus (womb). Fibroids also known as uterine leiomyoma, fibromyoma, myoma, fibro leiomyoma. In most of cases fibroid appear in women after menopause. Common symptoms of fibroid are painful menses, excessive bleeding, pain during sex, abdominal discomfort or bloating, back pain. Fibroids are also common cause of infertility, miscarriage during pregnancy, bleeding.
Homeopathic treatment for PCOD, Fibroid and menstrual disorders:
For permanent and gentle cure, constitutional homoeopathic treatment is provided by qualified homoeopathic doctor. In allopathic system of medicine only treatment for fibroid and Polycystic ovarian disease(PCOD)is hormonal therapy, steroids and surgical removal which can leads to other serious side effects. But in homoeopathy we have best medicine to deal with all females problems like amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, inter menstrual bleeding, leucorrhoea, PCOD, uterine fibroid. Without any side effect or affecting other body organ we can treat all these hormonal diseases. To deal with PCOD and fibroid we go through a proper case study by taking all past, present history, menstrual details, genetic history, will, desires, aversions , physical and behaviour symptoms and find out constitutional remedy which leads to permanent cure.